On Sun, 2019-06-16 at 12:11 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 10:52 AM Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Get familiar with it Alan, despite our objections, both ifconfig and
> > route have been expunged from the stretch and newer repo's. I haven't
> > figured it out either. And the man pages may as well have been written
> > in swahili or navajo. Even the so-called examples can't be made to work.
> The net-tools package is still available:
> $ apt-file search --regex 'bin/(ifconfig|route)$'
> net-tools: /sbin/ifconfig
> net-tools: /sbin/route

Possibly it is no longer part of the base install though? It's hard to
tell, neither of:
seem to list the priority. 
suggests it is "important" but I think there can be overrides to that
from the ftp-master end.

If it really isn't installed by default it might be worth someone[0]
filing a bug against tasksel to ensure it is pulled in by the "standard
Unix system" task? Deprecated or not it certainly seems like it fits
that description.


[0] specifically someone who is bothered by its absence and cares to
argue for its inclusion...

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