On Sunday 23 June 2019 15:28:38 Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Sunday 23 June 2019 14:30:15 Robert Nelson wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 12:43 PM Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net>
> wrote:
> > > but I'm hitting a missing tools problem.
> > >
> > > make uImage bails out looking for mkimage, which doesn't seem to
> > > be in the repos.  I googled for it, and downloaded
> > > tool-master.zip, but its apparently cross-compiling stuff to be
> > > run on x86. Only two Makefiles in a 907 meg when unpacked .zip
> > > from github.  It contains a mkimage directory but no Makefile to
> > > build it. Its apparently a python thing as shown here:
> > > pi@picnc:/media/pi/workpi1/tools-master/mkimage $ ls -l
> > > total 48
> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi   157 Jan 12  2018 args-uncompressed.txt
> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi   201 Jan 12  2018 boot-uncompressed.txt
> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 32768 Jan 12  2018 first32k.bin
> > > -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi   822 Jan 12  2018 imagetool-uncompressed.py
> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi   343 Jan 12  2018 README
> > > pi@picnc:/media/pi/workpi1/tools-master/mkimage $ python
> > > imagetool-uncompressed.py usage : imagetool-uncompressed.py
> > > <kernel image>
> > > pi@picnc:/media/pi/workpi1/tools-master/mkimage $
> > >
> > > Am I supposed to setup an alias to run that "in place" or what?
> > >
> > > Where do I find and install that on an rpi-3b running raspian
> > > stretch, uptodate?
> > >
> > > Or better yet, your version of stretch for an rpi-3b that includes
> > > armhf versions of all these tools in "build-essential"?
> >
> > https://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=contents&keywords=mkimag
> >e& mode=exactfilename&suite=stable&arch=any
> >
> > Regards,
> Thank you very much, Robert, got that, and vagrant both installed on
> the pi!
> With vagrant, as used by a small program kit called RealtimePi, I just
> found an hour back, the claim is made it will build an installable to
> an u-sd card, a realtime patched version of the system contained in a
> std raspian.zip install placed in the same directory. But I'll make
> one more pass at 4.19.50-rt22 first as thats a hair newer yet. That
> takes around 3 to 4 hours on the pi. :(  Realtime claims a bit over 6
> hours for their realtime build using vagrant.  So we may try both. :)
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

And I am glad I put a fan on that pi, I just saw a make -j4 go by. That 
will crash a fanless rock64 in about 3 minutes. But its marching right 
along too. Claims 6 hours for one kernel, 12 hours for both. But doesn't 
say what "both" means. Been running the -j4 for nearly an hour now. And 
I'm giving it the ultimate test, its working on the 
raspian-stretch-full.zip, the most recent release. About 2 months old.

Heck, ack the docs it can even play nightly updater and buildbot! Thats 
an intriguing thought. If it can run lcnc-2.9.0-pre0, also (re)built on 
the pi, I might setup a weekly update. That would be neat as can be. But 
I don't think that would make me an expert, since we all know thats just 
a leak under pressure...  :p)

Cheers All, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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