Unless you're going to overclock it (which I'm not sure is possible,
probably) you don't need a heat sink.  It will throttle (reduce speed)
if it gets hot.  A heat sink keeps it from overheating so soon so it
can run at full speed longer.  If you run cpuminer (to mine Litecoin
or Bitcoin) it will overheat a Pi very quickly and slow down, even
without overclocking, because it's so CPU-intensive.  You can run less
threads to run cooler.

What I'd like to see is a massive heat sink that dwarfs the circuit
board and becomes dominant, sort of like with Pentiums, could even
have a fan.  You'd mount the heat sink then bolt the Pi to it,
probably with heat sink compound or a heat-conductive washer.  The
connectors and wires would go wherever they ended up.  There could be
such setups as aftermarket addons.

I don't like that they continue to push the power connector to its
limits instead of going to something else like a coaxial plug like the
Rock64 uses.  I'm not sure it it's still a microusb or not.  But you
can always power through the GPIO connector.

And this uses _micro_ HDMI connectors, as opposed to the Zero which
uses _mini_ or the earlier Pis which have just a regular HDMI.  So if
you have a slew of Pis and Zeros you need 2 adapters for video.

GPIO pinout at 
I'm not sure how different it is.  The Pi GPIO has gotten to be a
defacto standard that other manufacturers also use.  I see there are
still multiple 5 volt and ground pins so they can be paralleled for
more current capability.

I welcome the 4 GB of RAM the most, I use 2 swap files and get tired
of waiting for swapping and unswapping.  Hopefully the ethernet is no
longer tied to the USB.

There is a new case and power supply, at least partly for the 2
micro-HDMIs.  A Rock64 fits into a Pi case but the power connector is
different so it needs some filing.  The cases are sort of a nuisance
because the wires dominate everything and are much heavier.

On 6/28/19, Rick Thomas <rbtho...@pobox.com> wrote:
> So when I buy one of these in a couple of months, do I need to buy the
> heatsink too?  Will the heatsink fit into the standard case?  If not, is
> there a case that will fit?
> And, finally, is there a version of Debian that will run on one of these?
> Or should I just plan on running Raspbian?
> Thanks!
> Rick
>> On Jun 28, 2019, at 12:32 PM, Alan Corey <alan01...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> No big surprise there.  Something about 1500 more on 7/4.  I got on
>> the list to get emailed when they get them.  Oh well, time to get
>> adapters ordered, and a different power supply.  Looks like they built
>> it to bolt a heat sink onto, there's free space around the CPU.
>> The real announcement page:
>> https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/
>> On 6/28/19, Mauricio Tavares <raubvo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 2:57 PM Alan Corey <alan01...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Tech specs at Element14
>>>> https://www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-92643/l/meet-the-new-raspberry-pi-4-model-b-with-technical-specifications?CMP=e-email-ADH-e14-NA-280619-RPITechSpec-H&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTldRNE56VTJOVGxqWldabCIsInQiOiIyMllcLzZiS2FQb1NpVWt6Q2pkamNnUTVXSThMTGtISWJMZWVRXC9XQVlOWEFLa3dSMGNIMVA4VGdpWTZTRVlhN0ZZd2t5QysrVFF1Mm80WEpjQmxZVEsya0FyeVRYcTR0Z3pPN3hTMXdzY01UNnVFN0FiTW8zRTBYYzl6SjJESmhsIn0%3D
>>>> Up to 4 GB RAM, gigbit ethernet, dual micro-HDMI, dual-band wifi,
>>>> OpenGL ES 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 2 USB 3.0 ports (+ 2 USB 2.0), Broadcom 2711,
>>>> Quad-core Cortex-A72 64-bit SoC @ 1.5 GHz
>>>> Element14 doesn't have them in stock yet but the 4 GB is listed at
>>>> $55.  Sounds like a Rock64 killer
>>>      I think they have been out of stock since Monday. Sold out quickly
>>>> --
>>>> -------------
>>>> No, I won't  call it "climate change", do you have a "reality problem"?
>>>> -
>>>> AB1JX
>>>> Cities are cages built to contain excess people and keep them from
>>>> cluttering up nature.
>>>> Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach
>> --
>> -------------
>> No, I won't  call it "climate change", do you have a "reality problem"? -
>> AB1JX
>> Cities are cages built to contain excess people and keep them from
>> cluttering up nature.
>> Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach

No, I won't  call it "climate change", do you have a "reality problem"? - AB1JX
Cities are cages built to contain excess people and keep them from
cluttering up nature.
Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach

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