On Sb, 14 dec 19, 14:07:31, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > 
> > I changed my xorg.conf as per [1], but not apparent change. What (else) 
> > is missing?
> For the Allwinner A64 the sun8i-mixer module is missing, see #946510.
> With a recompiled kernel I was able to start Xorg with the modesetting 
> driver on my Pine A64+ (2 GiB).

xorg.conf is not actually needed, provided the support in kernel is 
> Xorg starts much slower than with fbdev (approximately 1 minute, most of 
> it with a black screen, where fbdev is almost instant) and the mouse 
> cursor is invisible. Tried "Option" "SWcursor" "true" for the 
> modesetting driver, but it didn't make a difference.
> glxgears and es2gears are capped to 60 FPS because they sync to vertical 
> refresh by default.
> If I override it with vblank_mode=0 glxgears reports more than 1200 FPS, 
> but the gears only move a little bit in the beginning and then stop. 
> Similar with es2gears, where I get about 400 FPS.
> Looks like there is still work to be done here ;)

With acceleration disabled (pass "Option" "AccelMethod" "none" to 
modesetting) Xorg start is almost instant and the cursor is visible. 
Performance in glxgears (204 FPS) and es2gears (177 FPS) appears to be 
slightly better than with plain fbdev.

Kind regards,

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