On 20/04/2020 20:11, Andreas Tille wrote:

I have a pinebook of the first generation installed with Stretch.  I
naively assumed that it would the right time to upgrade to Buster.
Unfortunately X does not start any more:

Perhaps it is verboten to mention it her, but have you tried running Armbian on your pinebook?

I am running armbian Buster Desktop edition on a RockPro64 which has an almost identical chipset, and I have been very impressed at the level of polish. Everything works nicely.

As far as I can tell, the install process is quite different from stock Debian (You have to download a multi-gigabyte system image), but once installed, it is virtually identical to stock Debian, and just has an extra entry in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ which provides their custom built kernel and a few other customizations.

A word of warning, The Armbian devs have baked in a few settings that make sense for an Arm dev board, but will be unexpected if you are used to standard servers & desktops. For example, they have ramlog service which redirects /var/log to a ramdisk in order to reduce SD card wear.



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