Le 24/04/2020 à 17:21, Gunnar Wolf a écrit :
> Yves Caniou dijo [Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 01:37:42AM +0200]:
>> Hi,
>> I've been trying to install debian using debian-10.3.0-armhf-netinst.iso
>> for a Pi2. The image is burned on the SDCard with a dd. The leds of the
>> Pi2 show access to the SDCard, but nothing shows up on screen and minicom.
>> Same hardware/SDCard/ElectricSupply/method used with Raspbian and Ubuntu
>> images are working.
>> It seems there is a problem with the image itself.
> Hello Yves,
> I have made available installed, bootable images for the RPi family
> in:
>     https://raspi.debian.net/
> I have not yet commented on it, but the image for the RPi 2 *is*
> checked, and works fine. There is a very minor issue with the 0/1
> image (which I intend to fix now).

Hello Gunnar

Thank you for your answer.
I'm wondering: how do you check the image? SDCard burned and PI2 booted,
or via virt-manager or similar?

I've tried your image, and I have the exact experience than previously:
both leds are lighted, nothing on the screen, nothing on minicom, no
light for the network if :/

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