
jimmypierre.rouen.fra...@gmail.com dijo [Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 01:55:25PM +0200]:
> >>https://salsa.debian.org/dilinger/image-specs/-/commits/raspi4
> >>5.7 works pretty well, with a USB keyboard and the wifi tested. Here's a
> pi4 image that I built just now, for folks who don't want to do their own
> build:
> >>https://people.debian.org/~dilinger/rpi4-20200626/
> Just a line to report that the Pi3 B+ image from Gunnar worked well, Pi-Hole
> is working fine as well as Wireguard on old kernel 4.9.
> I am writing because I have received a Pi 4 today, so before I venture with
> the Pi-hole/Wireguard scenario, anything new that I need to know with the Pi
> 4 image above please?
> Thanks Gunnar for your help!

Just leaving this as probably valuable information for other people
that want to try out Andres' images:

- Some people, me included, have checked the image and are happy to
  report it works fine!

- However... There is a _very_ odd problem we will have to look into:
  The image works fine in the 4GB version of the Rpi4. The 8GB version
  does bring up wireless networking, but still does not manage to
  enable USB :-( (we haven't yet seen reports for the 2GB version).

Of course, we expect this to be easily fixable (but currently have no
clue yet as to why it happens).

There are a couple of issues to iron out before I think it's possible
to enable the image to be autogenerated, but we are on the right track!

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