Thanks for the forum link! As mentioned there, fswebcam can capture images 
after config.txt is setup (again and again).

# fswebcam -F 5 --png --save fsw2.png

gave a 384x288 png image from the camera, with a date-time tag along the 
bottom! It's not the highest quality by today's phone standards, but it's OK.

A tip on making config.txt changes persistent after upgrades, or getting it to 
work as non-root user, would be appreciated.

# fswebcam -F 5 --png --save fsw2.png
--- Opening /dev/video0...
Trying source module v4l2...
/dev/video0 opened.
No input was specified, using the first.
--- Capturing 5 frames...
Captured 5 frames in 0.71 seconds. (7 fps)
--- Processing captured image...
Setting output format to PNG, quality 0
Writing PNG image to 'fsw2.png'.

# file fsw2.png 
fsw2.png: PNG image data, 384 x 288, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced

January 29, 2021 6:53 PM, "Alan Corey" <> wrote:

> The CSI cameras are not natively anything like v4l, maybe you can run
> something now to make them compliant. The Pi should work with a USB
> camera and give v4l.
> See the RPI forums at
> Or in Raspbian look at the raspistill and raspicam programs. They're
> more like surplus cell phone cameras than anything with a standard
> interface.
> On 1/29/21, Gunnar Wolf <> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> dijo [Wed, Jan 06, 2021 at 09:09:09AM +0000]:
>>>> I'm experimenting with a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and can't seem to get
>>>> V4L to expose a /dev/video0 device when using the standard CSI camera
>>>> module. Raspbian on the same device seems to expose one correctly. I'm
>>>> using the 20200707_raspi_4 image.
>>> I was having similar problems with an early Pi 1, Model B+. The following
>>> exposed a /dev/video0 device for me. Maybe it works for a Pi4 too.
>> I was very happy to see this message! Still...
>>> Installed raspi_0w image.
>>> Added start_x=1 in /boot/firmware/config.txt
>>> Installed v4l-utils, v4l2ucp, v4l-conf.
>>> Installed a bunch of python stuff...
>>> No joy.
>>> Upgraded system to debian testing (to get the bcm2835_v4l2 module, from
>>> the staging directory).
>>> Reboot.
>>> Changed /boot/firmware/config.txt again, because it was overwritten during
>>> upgrade to testing: start_x=1 ; Also added gpu_mem=128 but not sure if
>>> this is needed.
>>> Reboot
>>> Magic! /dev/video0 now exists.
>>> Haven't captured a picture yet, but this looks promising:
>>> # v4l2-ctl --info
>> No luck yet :-( I tried this on a RPi4, and while /dev/vide0 exists,
>> any attempts to use it ends up with a dead camera grabbing program :-(
> --
> -------------
> Education is contagious.

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