February 21, 2021 7:12 AM, "Rick Thomas" <rick.tho...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Since one of my goals is to run this as an NTP server, I was somewhat 
> surprised to note that
> "hwclock" didn't work (Missing driver, maybe?) :
> root@pi:~# hwclock --verbose --show
> hwclock from util-linux 2.33.1
> System Time: 1613889592.600667
> Trying to open: /dev/rtc0
> Trying to open: /dev/rtc
> Trying to open: /dev/misc/rtc
> No usable clock interface found.
> hwclock: Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.

FYI, for next purchase, maybe. Pine A64+ board had a couple options for RTC 
battery attachments and for battery backup. On Bullseye/sid, that command is 
working. Thanks for helping me feel I didn't waste a few dollars on that 
option. :)

# hwclock --verbose --show
hwclock from util-linux 2.36.1
System Time: 1613958480.577164
Trying to open: /dev/rtc0
Using the rtc interface to the clock.
Last drift adjustment done at 1612997502 seconds after 1969
Last calibration done at 1612997502 seconds after 1969
Hardware clock is on UTC time
Assuming hardware clock is kept in UTC time.
Waiting for clock tick...
...got clock tick
Time read from Hardware Clock: 2021/02/22 01:48:03
Hw clock time : 2021/02/22 01:48:03 = 1613958483 seconds since 1969
Time since last adjustment is 960981 seconds
Calculated Hardware Clock drift is 0.000000 seconds
2021-02-21 20:48:01.547366-05:00

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