On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 7:50 AM LinAdmin wrote:

> I have some doubts that debian.net has the same ownership
> than official debian.org?

debian.net and debian.org have the same ownership (Debian, via our
fiscal sponsor SPI). debian.org subdomains are setup by the Debian
sysadmins and mostly run on hardware owned by Debian and systems run
by the Debian sysadmins. debian.net subdomains are registered by
individual Debian members for experiments, temporary or unofficial
services. Gunnar Wolf registered the raspi.debian.net domain for
delivering Debian RPi images.

$ whois debian.org | grep 'Registrant Organization'
Registrant Organization: Software in the Public Interest, Inc. - Debian Project

$ whois debian.net | grep 'Registrant Organization'
Registrant Organization: Software in the Public Interest, Inc. - Debian Project

$ ldapsearch -ZZZLLL -x -h db.debian.org -b ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org
dnsZoneEntry=raspi* uid name dnsZoneEntry
dn: uid=gwolf,ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org
cn: Gunnar
uid: gwolf
sn: Wolf
dnsZoneEntry: raspi IN A



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