On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 06:24:22PM +0200, LinAdmin wrote:
> On 10.09.21 21:40, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> > On 2021-09-10, LinAdmin wrote:
> >> The unnamed decision makers of Debian some unknown time ago
> >> decided that Pi and *Pine* stuff won't be supported by Debian.
> > This is the second time you've stated this, without really adding
> > meaningful content to the conversation, and people have presented
> > evidence to the contrary... 
> >
> > If you don't want to help, that's fine, but please at least refrain from
> > making repetative, vague statements of questionable accuracy.
> >
> > Somewhat of an aside, I feel inclined at this point to bring up the
> > Debian Community Guidelines:
> >
> >   https://people.debian.org/~enrico/dcg/
> >
> > I find it has some valuable thoughts that help improve my contributions
> > to Debian.
> >
> >
> > live well,
> >   vagrant
> So after my posting of 09-20-21 you kept silence ;)
> Still wondering why precisely you brought up Debian
> Community Guidelines?

Dear LinAdmin

Vagrant brought up the community guidelines because he felt that you were
actually  outside them, I suspect. Making accusations about Debian's 
attitude to ARM support repeatedly and against the evidence provided 
to the Debian developers who are actually actively engaging in ARM support 
is not the most helpful approach if you want to make your point.

debian-arm is an official Debian mailing list. It's subject to the Debian
mailing list code of conduct and the main Debian code of conduct.

Your postings seem to go against:
* Be respectful
* Assume good faith
* Be collaborative

Making the point once would have been enough if you had engaged 
constructively with the other participants . Repeating it hasn't helped
especially since your statement appears to be untrue.

If you look at the last paragraph of my reply at 
you'll see one reason why your replies are also off-topic. This list
deals primarily with Debian: Ubuntu and other distributions are, strictly,
off topic here although those here will often try to provide points of 
comparison or other help on a best endeavours basis.

> And btw, not only me feels that
> "Unfortunately, the Linux desktop community is very toxic.
> Wars between fans of desktop environments (DEs),
> distributions, package managers, package formats, etc.,
> threats, personal attacks, etc. are very common in public
> chat rooms and forums."
> (Exctract from
> https://theevilskeleton.gitlab.io/2021/04/06/why-the-linux-desktop-has-not-yet-been-adopted-by-the-masses.html
> <https://theevilskeleton.gitlab.io/2021/04/06/why-the-linux-desktop-has-not-yet-been-adopted-by-the-masses.html>)

> live better ;)
> LinAdmin

Andrew Cater
[For the Community Team]

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