On Tuesday 08 July 2008, Ventura wrote:
> First of all, you can't use a repository with CDs because at least in
> S/390 plataform you don't have the debian-installer tree. This is the
> reason I received a message "no kernel modules available" in the first
> repository.

That sounds possible. The s390 CD images are a bit strange anyway as they 
are not really intended to be installed from, more as alternative sources 
for after the installation.
It is possible to boot the installer from CD, but you'll still be doing 
the same installation from the network as with a "normal" install using 
generic images.

> To make my external router to understand where is the tap0, I had to
> include one route through tun0.
> I did a lot of tests logged as "installer" in a shell at Hercules and
> could get small files from Internet using
> wget but only for files < 1k (I don't know why).

No idea here but it does not sound like a wget problem, nor a hercules 
problem. I use Hercules myself without any issues, both using a mirror on 
a different system in my local network and official Debian mirrors.

This would be a question for the hercules mailing list maybe. But you 
should first recheck your networking setup.

> Another problem was with file system, xfs doesn't work, only ext3.

I've never tried XFS on s390. If you can find out what exactly is wrong 
from the logs or by trying commands manually we can look into it.
We'd at least need an installation report [1] with a more detailed 
description of the problem.


[1] http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/ch05s03.html#submit-bug

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