On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 02:27:38PM +0200, Thimo Neubauer wrote:
> Yes, I'm running an up-to-date testing. The version of the system
> building the boot-floppies has no influence on the problem, because
> the apt-process showing the error uses his own
> boot-floppies/sources.list. Additionally, the problem only happens if

no the host system does have a minimal inpact on how apt behaves, you
cannot build woody boot-floppies on potato for example, and not
because of libc issues.

> you start with an empty download-directory, because rootdisk.sh only
> tells apt to download the packages not yet downloaded. This also means
> that I could fix the problem by downloading the packages manually, but
> where is the point having the download-stuff if it does not work
> without manual interaction?

oh i see, i have only done one boot-floppies build with an empty cache

i would say the best solution is stop using apt-get install
--download-only -blah -blah -blah to download packages.  in horribly
inefficient anyway since it ends up downloading lots of unused
packages simply to satisfy dependencies that are never needed.

i would replace the apt-get install commands with something like
(example only):

    local MIRROR="$(grep '^deb ' sources.list | awk '{print $2}')"

    for i in "$@" ; do
        local PACKAGE="$(apt-cache show $i | grep ^File | awk '{print $2}')"
        (cd $archive/cache/archives && wget -q "$MIRROR/$PACKAGE")

that will only work with a one line sources.list, but i fail to see
the point of having both unstable and testing in there anyway.

your only other option perhaps is fixing --force-yes (which is
currently broken), but that may not solve depends anyway.

Ethan Benson

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