Le dimanche 15 février 2009 à 15:36 -0300, Otavio Salvador a écrit :
> Philipp Kern <pk...@debian.org> writes:
> > Ok, please go ahead.  Thanks for contacting us that early so that it
> > spends "plenty" of time in proposed-updates.  We will see what d-i
> > testing with the new binaries will bring us.
> In this case Josselin, please contact us at debian-boot once you've
> prepared the packages and binaries (it wasn't clear from your message if
> you consider current ones ready) so we can start testing them.

I don’t have anything right now that I’d like to put in these packages,
so the thing they need the most is testing. I can upload them to s-p-u
as soon as you want.

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