(list masters BCCed)

Now that the cleanup is virtually complete for the period 2006/01 to 
2009/05 it seems like a good time for an overview.

I think we have proven that the cleanup works and is worth doing.

In roughly six weeks time we've managed to get rid of ~2500 spam mails 
from the d-boot archive, which is an average of ~60 for each month (but 
for some months it will have been more than double that number).
When pending reviews are completed the total for this period will probably 
end at ~2750.

The last two weeks only ~100 spams were removed. Reason for that is that 
only two people have done the final review of nominated posts. However, 
the system is such that they will get removed as soon as a third person 
does the reviews.

I think it is only natural for things to slow down a bit now and I don't 
plan to post any more "regular" updates. I do plan to continue working on 
this and hope others will too. And of course anybody using the list is 
still welcome to join in the effort!

Holger and Christian have already started the reviews for the next two 
years: 2004 and 2005.

Detailed info is available from:

Heros of the cleanup for 2006/01 to 2009/05

Name                    Nr. of months scanned
---------------------   -------------------------------------------
Frans Pop               41 (well, I did start the initiative...)
Holger Wansing          36
Christian Perrier       33
Franklin Piat           32
Don Wright              31
Philippe Batailler      21
Stefano Canepa          8
Bastian Blank           3
Miguel Figueiredo       2

As far as I can tell most of the reviews of nominated posts were done by:
- Bastian Blank
- Christian Perrier
- Frans Pop

Many thanks to all who've worked on this!


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