also sprach Marco d'Itri <> [2009.07.20.1023 +0200]:
> > 1. use --run to start arrays as soon as possible, or only start an
> > array when it's completely assembled?
> Why wait?

If you run before it's assembled, any additional members added
afterwards will have to be resynchronised.

> > 2. when can we assume that the arrays are ready to be started?
> When all members have appeared.

Okay, so this is means *not* to use --run, but it also means that
the current behaviour, which is to assemble the array if it is
degraded, will no longer work. If you lose a disk and reboot,
currently the array assembles fine. With the incremental approach,
it would need manual interaction *or* --run, which introduced the
aforementioned problem.

> > 4. How do we properly deal with the device node change? What
> > previously was /dev/md2 with normal assembly is now /dev/md_d2?
> How do other distributions do?

Either they take any sort of choice away from the user (Ubuntu), do
not (seem to) have a migration path (Ubuntu, Suse), or just don't
deal with it at all.

> > It's not quite as easy as just deprecating udevsettle on
> > a distro scale.
> I am quite sure that I always discouraged the use of udevsettle by
> other packages, but policy does not allow me to shoot people who
> do it...

I think you did. However, there was no other way to do it for mdadm
until --incremental was implemented.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
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                                                    -- charles tschopp

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