Quoting Uwe Bugla (uwe.bu...@gmx.de):
> Hi everybody,
> using the Debian testing installer from 4th August I stumbled over the 
> follwing bugs:
> 1. console-data is missing in the list of necessary dependencies when you 
> install the basic system:
> The consequence is:
> You are trapped if you owe a non-American keyboard with a qwertz layout.
> That complicates the installation process enourmously instead of simplifying 
> it.

We're in the middle of a transition to console-setup. console-data
should not be needed anymore. Still, it's not expected that you end up
with an unconfigured keymap layout. Does the installed system *have*
console-setup installed?

It should have picked up the settings you made, in D-I, for the keymap
(in your case, I suspect you picked 'German') and, thus, you should
have a working keyboard layout on the installed system.

In any case, "dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" on the installed system
should help.

But, still, that has to be investigated as this is obviously a big
regression. I'm not in position to do so, being half-dialup as of
now. Hopefully, someone else will.

In the meantime, it would be good to mention this in 

(Again, I'm not in position to do that right now....will try to
remember later when online)

> 2. At the point where the keyboard is being adjusted to the UTF-8 locale the 
> script of the non-graphical installer (expert installation chosen in that 
> specific case) hangs up the whole installation process. Only the graphical 
> expert installation oversteps that installation step successively.
> 3. This is quite an old bug, and I really wonder why noone complained 
> mentioning this one:
> It is impossible to set up a server / router with this installer containing 
> more than one NIC, no matter if you chose graphical or non-graphical 
> installer:
> In my personal example eth0 is connected to a highspeed modem. That's why I 
> chose automatic DHCP configuration for the first NIC.
> Eth1 is configured staticallly by my own choice, that means DHCP with fixed 
> addresses for the server and the workstations.
> The installer is incapable to handle more than one NIC, which is a mess!
> For my personal usage that means that I am forced to completely ignore the 
> second NIC during the installation process. When installation is complete I 
> am 
> forced to reconfigure the whole network part of my server / router manually, 
> i. 
> e. using an ordinary editor.
> This state is quite insufficient and thus unacceptable.

This is by design, in order to keep the installer simple to use and
not confusing to less experienced users. So, by design, the only
configured interface is the one that's used for the installation of
the machine.

Users who want to configure more than one interface are indeed
expected to be able to do it after the install, by the usual methods.

We really don't want to have *any* owner of a modern laptop (that has
two NICs) to be prompted for the setting of his|her two interfaces.

> An additional menu point to adjust /etc/apt/sources.list to one's own 
> personal 
> needs would be very helpful as a part of such an installer.

Here again, this is much out of scope of the installer. It is left to
the post-install polishing of the installed machine, when the
machine's admin is supposed to be skilled enough to know how to do

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