tags 596633 moreinfo

Quoting Miles Fidelman (mfidel...@meetinghouse.net):
> Package: installation-reports
> Boot method: USB Installer
> Image version: download of testing files dated 9/10/10 per USB install 
> instructions

Please use the *daily built* images from
http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer....not the alpha1 images.

We know that this pages says "Please first test alpha1 images" but
we're currently in the release preparation step and Alpha1 images are
more or less broken as of now....and testing them anyway doesn't help
that much (yes, we should fix the page...).

> Comments/Problems: USB installer could not find .iso image
> After booting, the installer starts up, but when it gets to the point of
> looking for a .iso image, it reports mounting and scanning both my hard
> drives (/dev/sda and /dev/sdb) and the usb stick (/dev/sdc1) - but then
> reports not finding any .iso files.  It then asks if I want to do a more
> thorough search - which exhibits the same failure.
> As far as I can tell, by escaping to a shell, it has mounted the USB
> stick (as /hd-media) and there's a .iso image listed under /hd-media.

Not sure that daily builds fix this. If they do, we'll close the
bug. If they don't, we have an RC issue..:-)

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