On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 10:05:40PM +0000, Jurij Smakov wrote:
> Fair enough. However, the machine has 32 CPUs and 32G of RAM, so even 
> while used as a buildd, significant amounts of resources are probably 
> just sitting idle. I see that it only has 72G of disk though (2x72G 
> disks in RAID-1 config), however we could probably solicit donation of 
> the disks needed or even convince DPL to throw some money at it. Hence 
> the questions:
> 1. Is there any virtualization solution on zee which would allow us to 
> run more than a single buildd on it?
> 2. If disks are the bottleneck, what are the part numbers for them? I 
> guess that if we would get another two, we could simply make another 
> RAID-1 volume out of that, to not interfere too much with existing 
> setup?
> 3. Who is the right person to talk to about arranging various 
> reconfigurations like that?

It'd make sense to Cc d-admin on this.  FWIW, I do recall bad memory issues
with zee, it's currently down to 16G of RAM, too.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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