Hello Samuel,

Am 24.01.2011 02:27, schrieb Samuel Thibault:
> Dennis Hoppe, le Fri 21 Jan 2011 16:35:56 +0100, a écrit :
>> Am 20.01.2011 18:47, schrieb Samuel Thibault:
>>> And it is indeed not needed for me in my tests. What I'm doing is
>>> booting with the following parameter given on the kernel command line:
>>> keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap=de
>>> I never get asked for the variant. Could you perhaps post your whole
>>> preseed file (with passwords replaced with foobar), so I can test with
>>> exactly the same parameters?
>> of course. Here ist my little config.
> I'm still unable to reproduce the issue
> - I've added
> d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select de
> to your file
> - I've added it as /preseed.cfg to the initrd from the squeezerc2 businesscard
>   image for i386
> - I've booted the initrd and kernel. It all installs by itself without
>   asking a single question.
> Where is the difference with your tests?

i think there is a litte misunderstanding, here.

My "preseed" config works, because it already includes the parameter
"keyboard-configuration/variant select Deutschland". You asked me, if
there are any problems when i only use the parameter
"keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select de". In my tests the parameter
"keyboard-configuration/variant select Deutschland" was necessary.

If you like, i can retry the installation with and without the
concerning parameter and send you the logs.

Regards, Dennis

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