Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> After
> sudo apt-get install pm-utils
> sudo reboot
> the menu option is visible and works.

AFAIKS, in unstable, gnome-core depends gnome-power-manager
depends upower depends pm-utils. Probably this was fixed since squeeze.

> > However, this is not displayed if you explicitly choose not to configure
> > the network.
> I think in my case network setup was failing since d-i didn't support
> WPA2 at that time and I just skipped the network setup part. It took me
> a few days to notice and realize why my installation was so crippled :-)

I've changed apt-setup to show the message when no network is
configured. However, since the full CD is intended to produce usable
systems when used that way, the warning remains a bit tame and probably
easy to miss.

see shy jo

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