On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 14:46:10 +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:

> [Please CC me, I'm not subscribed]
> Hi,
> my son and me independently installed two boxes with the recent Wheezy
> beta installer.  Everything went smooth so far - thanks for your fine
> work.
> However, I might like to question the choice of the automatically
> suggested size for the root partition (when always just pressing
> <Enter>).  We both ended up with something that easily fills up for some
> kind of "not very specific" installation.  I do not have direct access
> to his box but mine looks like
> $ LANG=C df -h | grep rootfs
> rootfs                                                  331M  307M  7.5M  98% 
> /
> after installing the set of packages I used on the box before.  IMHO
> the dir
> $ LANG=C du -hs /lib/modules
> 200M    /lib/modules
> is responsible for the problem because by doing simple
>    apt-get dist-upgrade
> you can end up with some kernel package installed in parallel and an
> unexperienced user hardly will easily cope with the problem if its third
> kernel package will not simply install any more.
> Sorry if this was just reported, I'm not reading this list.  If not I
> can easily turn this into a bug report in case you agree that this is a
> problem that should be dealt with.
Please make a proper installation report including the log from your
install.  There's just no way to fix anything with the info you


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