On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 05:28:11PM -0500, S. Salman Ahmed wrote:
> >>>>> "CT" == Chris Tillman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     >>  That's what I figured, although I personally preferred the old
>     >> behaviour. This current behaviour makes me think that the
>     >> installer is trying to be a little too smart!
>     CT>  I think it's a good step, I believe we need to reduce the load
>     CT> on the user, and this is a good way to do it. Naturally the
>     CT> non-newbie can get around it if it's not doing the right
>     CT> thing. We have a lot of criticism that the installation is
>     CT> complicated, we reply that no, it's flexible, in reality if we
>     CT> do these kinds of things it can be both.
>     CT> 
>     CT> Are you concerned it would choose the wrong one?
>     CT> 
> No, not really. Its just that I found the old behaviour to be more
> consistent with the overall approach/behaviour of b-f. The extra
> confirmation step would just validate what the user (newbie or
> non-newbie alike) might already have been aware of.
> I brought this issue up as well only because this new behaviour caught
> me by surprise. I began wondering if I had missed some step/prompt.
> Also, I don't think it reduces the load on the user all that much
> anyways - its saves the user what one keypress ??
> What might be useful is to point out to the user that:
>   (for example)
>     Found /dev/hda1 of type Linux swap. Using /dev/hda1 as Linux swap
>     partition.
> at the top of the same prompt/panel where they are asked whether they
> want to initialize that partition as the Swap parition.
> Ditto for /dev/hda2 and the Linux root partition from my original
> scenario.

I agree, it's not good to be mysterious.

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|            Chris Tillman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|                   May the Source be with you                   |

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