Control: reassign -1 syslinux


David Prévot, le Thu 28 Mar 2013 16:19:48 -0400, a écrit :
> Le 28/03/2013 15:27, Øyvind 'bolt' Hvidsten a écrit :
> > While installing Debian on a Netgear ReadyNAS while connected to its
> > serial port (no screen connector on device) booting a netinstall CD
> > image from a USB stick resulted in a couple of random lines of
> > underscores showing up just after post. The boot menu does not function
> > well over a serial connection. (The same USB stick works perfectly on a
> > desktop machine)
> > 
> > What I had to do was repeatedly bang the escape key during post, ending
> > up with the text "Aborted." and "boot: " on my console. Running "install
> > video=off console=ttyS0,9600n8" from said prompt kicked off a text mode
> > installation without any further issues.
> > 
> > I was unable to find detailed information on such an install procedure
> > in the Installation Guide. It should probably be mentioned.

There is documentation about the serial parameters in section 5.3 "Boot
Parameters", but there isn't documentation about how to get the boot
menu to appear on the serial console. I guess the reason is that it
varies a lot depending on the device. I guess the bootloader (syslinux
in your case) simply uses what the Bios tells, and maybe the Bios
actually tells it that a videocard exists, and thus syslinux emits it on
the video card.

At any rate, I don't think the manual can document how all these various
devices can be made to show the boot menu on the serial port, and what
would be at best missing is a fix in syslinux to behave the proper way,
be it circumventing the Bios or not, thus reassigning.


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