(let's drop CC: I believe that all participants to this discussion are
subscribed to debian-boot, that receves the bug contributions for D-I packages)

Quoting Thiemo Nagel (thiemo.na...@gmail.com):

> > It currently reads: "Erasing data on ${DEVICE}". Maybe something like
> > "Erasing data on ${DEVICE}. To continue without ereasing press
> > 'Cancel'." How do others feel about this?
> Maybe "Skip" would be more precise than "Cancel"?

You probably can't change this as the 'Cancel' button comes from the
cdebconf interface.

> Also I think "erasing" doesn't quite hit the mark because it leads
> users to believe that the step isn't necessary for a new drive or if
> they don't care about securely deleting its previous contents. How
> about something along the lines of: "Overwriting ${DEVICE} with random
> data to prevent meta-information leaks from the encrypted volume. This
> step may be skipped at the expense of a slight reduction of the
> quality of the encryption."

Though I'm never enthusiast when rewriting debconf messages (because
it needs some translation updates, which is always a PITA with more
than 60 translations), I'm OK with that wording.

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