Control: tag -1 moreinfo

Josep Lladonosa <> (2013-08-02):
> Last kernel versions have added bcache to the system. It allows to use an SSD
> drive as a cache for a -for example- a disk drive partition.
> A common installation is /dev/sda as the main disk drive and /dev/sdb as a
> cache drive for it. After a configuration like this, one gets the /dev/bcache0
> device to mkfs the filesystem  on it, in a similar way to LVM or RAID. Even
> more, bcache can be combined with these.
> It would be nice if the installer gave these options to configure, for 
> example,
> at the moment, in an expert mode install. It would require bcache-tools at 
> boot
> and bcache as a module in the kernel.

bcache.ko is shipped in current debian kernels, alright. I don't see any
bcache-tools package though.


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