Quoting Changwoo Ryu (cw...@debian.org):
> Package: console-setup
> Version: 1.108
> Severity: normal
> In debian/keyboard-configuration.config, the default keymap for "*_KP*"
> locale is set as "kr" layout. But "KP" ISO3166 code is for North Korea,
> while "kr" layout corresponds to South Korean standard. So I believe
> this is put by a mistake. AFAIK North Korea has their own standard
> layout.
> Here attached my change for adding proper kr keymap defaults. "kr" with
> "kr104" variant is safer choice than just "kr" with no variant.

Thanks a lot for spotting this, which is probably here for ages,

I'm in the process of building and uploading a fixed console-setup

That's an opportunity to more generally thank you, Ryuchangwoo-ssi,
for all your involvment in D-I translation since the beginning. There
are very few left who were there from the beginning, back in 2003 and
I still remember when we met back in DebConf 4....

(and I'm taking the risk of trying to use the appropriate form of
address, which is something I try to be picky about.....but not always
sure if I'm doing it right)

Sadly, I don't have the answer for your other question (choosing the
variant), though.

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