Control: tag -1 confirmed pending
Control: found -1 1.108+deb7u1

Cyril Brulebois <> (2014-08-08):
> > I cannot connect to any wifi network when entering a manual ESSID.
> > After entering the ESSID I always get the message:
> > 
> >     Network chosen: (null). Proceeding to connect.
> > 
> > There seems to be a small error in wireless.c where the ESSID entered
> > by the user is never stored anywhere (producing the "(null)" above).
> > I've attached a patch which fixes this issue for me.
> Uh-oh, that looks like a quite silly bug indeed!
> If nobody else gets to it before me I'll try to reproduce locally and
> confirm the patch. (I haven't looked at the surrounding code yet.)

Bug indeed confirmed for jessie and wheezy; patch confirmed as well (on
jessie only for now), judging by the INFO output change only…

> [ Hopefully kvm USB passthrough works better than last time I tried. ]

… because I can apparently only list available ESSIDs; actually
connecting fails to I couldn't test a full installation.

I'll push the patch shortly to git, upload to sid, and push a backport
to the wheezy branch as well.

Many thanks again!


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