On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 07:53:38AM -0500, Jorge Ernesto Guevara Cuenca wrote:
> Hello,
> I ejected a usb stick without umount and doesn't boot anymore, I formatted
> it again, prepare like the install manual[1] says and it don't boot never
> again. I tried with oficial images[2] and my own images created, and ever i
> obtain this kernel panic message:
> List of all partitiions:
> No filesystem could mount root, tried:
> kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on
> unknown-block(0,0)
> How can I use again this usb stick?

I've never had a USB stick panic the kernel, but I have had them beome 
unusable on a random variety if systems (including Debian) if the 
weren't dismounted properly.  fsck seemed to help.

-- hendrik

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