On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 12:52:04PM +0100, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> Hi Charles, 
> On Mon Dec 28, 2015 at 23:19:30 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> > In conclusion:
> > 
> > We are not going to enable backports by default in the short term, but
> > I hope that some readers, like me, strenghtened their understanding on
> > how APT works.
> First of all, thank you very much for this excellent summary.
> How about the following idea: In case we are not able to find a
> technical solution for this for the Debian Stretch release, we encourage
> cloud providers to offer two images, one with backports enabled and one
> without backports? For the backports-enabled images we then could ask
> them to add a disclaimer explaining the technical problem.

I have two possible solutions:
(1) Changing the pinning defaults so NEW packages from NotAutomatic
    repositories are pinned to -1 by default instead of 1/100.

(2) Changing the output.

David likes (2), but it really makes no sense overall, as it does
not affect other frontends at all. (1) is implemented right now in


This will make some frontends like aptitude potentially do wrong stuff
but it's the only way to make sure dumb frontends could not automatically
install a package.

On the other hand, some frontends could not install any package from
backports at all (/me looks at gnome-software).

So I'm not sure I want a technical solution. (1) breaks stuff and
use cases and (2) gives us some assurance, but only for APT and not
for dumb frontends.

Julian Andres Klode  - Debian Developer, Ubuntu Member

See http://wiki.debian.org/JulianAndresKlode and http://jak-linux.org/.

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