Hi everybody

El 15/03/16 a las 23:58, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:

> I've tried to (manually) run the build of the installation manual for
> jessie, and I think it went ok.
> This is what I did, based on the lessoften script [1]:
> ls -t1 /srv/www.debian.org/cron/ftpfiles/pool/installation-guide_*.dsc
> | head -1
> sudo -u debwww dpkg-source -sn -x
> /srv/www.debian.org/cron/ftpfiles/pool/installation-guide_20150423+deb8u
> 2.dsc
> cd installation-guide-20150423+deb8u2/build && sudo -u debwww
> manual_release=jessie
> destination=/srv/www.debian.org/installmanual/jessie/ ./buildweb.sh >
> /srv/www.debian.org/installmanual/jessie.log 2>&1
> sudo -u debwww cp -a /srv/www.debian.org/installmanual/jessie/*
> /srv/www.debian.org/www/releases/jessie/
> Let's see what happens in the next lessoften build. I think stretch
> manual is not built yet, but maybe it's build after this is fixed. If
> tomorrow after lessoften I see the jessie manual fixed, and the
> stretch manual not appearing, I would try to build it manually too.
> [1]
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debwww/cron.git/tree/lessoften-parts/1in
> stallation-guide

Ok, it seems the jessie installation guide is published correctly and
it's not overwritten with lessoften script.

I don't know if there should be a stretch installation guide right now,
or only after stretch is published as stable.
The page https://www.debian.org/releases/stretch/ seems it has no link
to the installation guide.
The page https://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ links to the
stable version of the manual, and to d-i.debian.org/manual

So I guess this problem is fixed, and everything is ok? (until the next
release?). Or do I need to manually generate the stretch version of the
installmanual, as I did with jessie?


Laura Arjona Reina

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