On 04/16/2016 11:41 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote:
Control: reassign -1 debian-installer


Alex ARNAUD, on Wed 13 Apr 2016 17:51:45 +0200, wrote:
I've tried to reproduce the instructions in the Debian installation guide in
"Accessibility" section at "5.2.7 High-Contrast Theme" :

    * What was the outcome of this action?

I'm not able to enable the high-contract theme.
? This works for me. Did you take care that the keyboard is using a
qwerty layout at boot menu?
Sorry for the lack of precisions. Like Steve McIntyre says, I speak about UEFI.

    * What outcome did you expect instead?

The best way should be to have only a unique key shortcut (maybe "h" for
high-contrast theme) to launch the ncurse installer.
Well, it's not really the ncurses installer which matters, but selecting
the dark theme. Now, a shortcut is something being considered, see
thread on
I believe we agreed how we want it to look like, and now it's a "matter"
of implementing it.
Because of the severity of the issue I think a bug report is essential. This issue is the main barrier that renders visual impaired unable to install a Debian on recent computer. Personally the only way I found is to use my braille display to install Debian but I think I'm an exception, not all people can read braille and has braille display at his disposition.

Best regards.


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