Hi all,

Warning - is a bit of a long read.

>From what all I read and understood, ext4lazyinit simply makes you
start using the hdd without creating all the inodes for your system.
The only way that you know ext4lazyinit is working is when you see it
via iotop. But when using debian-installer is there something I could
do, umm...some switch or something to make sure that ext4lazyinit
works in the background ?

To elaborate it a bit further. Let's say I get one of those monster
drives (which are probably insanely expensive atm)

While I would go bankrupt if I got this sort of hdd today, such drives
were probably is the reason why ext4lazyinit was invented.

FWIW I would be working with a 3/4 TB HDD in the near future hence
want to be ready before-hand.

Now let's say I use the current debian-installer for stretch - say
either the net installer or the CD version -



The reason to use ext4lazyinit is light at my end is pretty erratic
and many a times a UPS is not available.

Having ext4lazyinit would be great if I am able to finish the
installation fast and let it do inode creation on future boot-ups
while I do the rest of the configuration, setting up the machine.
updating/upgrading packages etc.

Now I have few queries -

a. Are my assumptions wrong ?

b. I don't know how much part of this question is debian-kernel
related and how much of it is debian-installer related hence sending
the mail to both the lists ?

AIUI ext4lazyinit is a filesystem utility created for kernel during
the end of 2.6.32.x series, hence couple of years ago - hence it
relates to debian-kernel the most.

Current kernel is 4.9 in Debian stretch -

[$] uname -r


I do not know much of debian-installer support is/was needed to make
sure the feature works as desired - hence the need to also mail

I ask as I still have memories of 2-3 years sitting all night long at
friend's places who had access to an offline UPS to partition, format
and then do the installation. The partitioning and formatting taking
the most time even with the Large-File Support under ext3.

Looking forward to know.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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