Philip Hands <> (2017-02-07):
> I just tried it with this image:
> adding this to the kernel command line (hit TAB at the boot menu):
> and it drops the replacement (now using Cyril's version) in
> place.
> BTW If you want to suggest somewhere to exit the script to avoid
> touching your disks, I can add that to save you the effort.
> Cheers, Phil.
> P.S. This kludge is totally over-engineered, as the file is ready to
> be replaced by the time the early command is run, so in this case the
> checks and background loop are superfluous.
> P.P.S. I think this is much less effort than building a new image,
> since a newly built netinst would download the old partman-partition
> udeb from the archive unless you start making more invasive changes.
> You can check that it's done the right thing by the time you get to
> the root password prompts, flipping to a console and running:
>   head -40 /lib/partman/lib/

Eh? The whole point of building and providing an image is that it contains
all the bits you want to test; that's why I was suggesting this in the
first placeā€¦


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