On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 12:54:37PM +0000, Phil Blundell wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 10:33, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> > Perhaps if you put all the localisation data for each language into a
> > separate file that is searched for in the root directory of the
> > floppy, then people could download a localisation file separately and
> > copy it onto the floppy. It wouldn't then matter so much which
> > localisations are included with the standard floppy image. Also, it
> > would be possible to add and update localisations without rereleasing
> > the floppy image.
> The image on the root floppy disk is compressed, which will make it
> awkward for users to add extra files there.
> I've checked in some changes to the boot-floppies to allow extra
> language catalogs to be shipped on the CD.  This is obviously no help to
> people who are booting from floppy disk, but it's probably better than
> nothing.
> For those on debian-boot, the drill is that dbootstrap searches for
> extra languages in /.xlp/messages.XX on the CD during program startup. 
> Any catalogs it finds are copied into /etc from where LC will pick them
> up.  The build process creates an archive xlp.tgz containing the
> catalogs for everything in $(langs), and i386-specials/mini-iso.sh knows
> how to put it onto the CD.

Does this code check to be sure it's not exceeding the ramdisk's capacity?
That's pretty easy to do (exceed it, I mean). And it would create a hard-to-
track-down problem.

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