Ansgar Burchardt dijo [Wed, Dec 05, 2018 at 08:17:56AM +0100]:
> The Reproducible Builds project was so kind to help and now runs one
> build in a non-merged-/usr and a second build in a merged-/usr
> environment.  Packages that hardcode the path to utilities, but would
> pick up the wrong one in a merged-/usr environment will result in a
> difference between the two builds and can thus be found.
> See [1] for an overview of issues found this way; as the entire archive
> was already rebuilt in this setup, there shouldn't be many more issues
> of this type that we don't know about[2].
> (...)

Thanks for this report, Ansgar. This clearly sums up the issue. I am
amazed the whole archive managed to be rebuilt on such a short time!

I guess the next step is to file the multiple bugs pending to be

> Bug reports were already submitted for over half the packages, often
> including a simple patch (usually something like adding BASH=/bin/bash
> to dh_auto_configure).
> So we look to be on a good track to address the remaining issues.

...And I guess this points towards the Technical Committee not having
to intervene in the issue. Which is, IMO, the best possible outcome.

Thanks to everybody following through with this!

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