Just for comparison, on Devuan ascii (stretch wirhout systend), I get:

root@midwinter:/home/hendrik# os-prober
File descriptor 8 (socket:[13898]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 2831: 
File descriptor 9 (socket:[13899]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 2831: 
File descriptor 10 (socket:[16454]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 2831: 
File descriptor 11 (socket:[16455]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 2831: 
File descriptor 18 (socket:[13991]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 2831: 
/dev/sda6:Debian GNU/Linux buster/sid:Debian:linux

Here it also does not recognise the OS it runs on, but it *does* recognise

Could the problem be that it is does not recognise
  (a) its own OS, nor
  (b) any OS those root partition in on an LVM volume, even if its /boot
      is on a primary partition?

-- hendrik

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