This is just a suggestion, but perhaps, instead of having "Debian
Desktop Environment" as an alias for the default without any
explanation, perhaps it would be better to restructure the software
selection menu to something like:

1. Gnome Desktop Environment(Debian Default)
2. Mate Desktop Environment(Recommended for Accessibility).
3. LXDE(recommended for systems with limited resources)
4. No Desktop Environment(System will be command-line only)

Etc., adjusting numbers to accomodate whatever other desktop
environments can be installed at that point. And I suggest including
the no desktop environment option to simplify things for those who'd
rather start with a basic system and handle most software installation
manually afterward. Might just be me, but this feels much more
self-documenting, informs everyone who doesn't already know what the
default is, gives those who need accessibility or are setting things
up for accessibility a heads up that the default might not be best,

Feel free to forward this to whoever would be in a position to
consider and/or implement it.

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