The idea of detecting the presence (or absence) of a blind-related device seems 
worth pursuing, even if there are some issues to be resolved.

For example, following Jude's notion of checking for a monitor, maybe Avahi and 
SSH could be enabled whenever a monitor isn't found.  For that matter, enabling 
Orca (or whatever) by default when no monitor is present wouldn't be that big a 
problem for a sighted user.  Devin's notion of checking for a braille display 
could be expanded to include a range of USB devices such as braille printers 
and such.

I've been wondering about the notion of checking for a USB flash drive that 
contains some sort of magic files.  The files probably can't contain executable 
binary files (due to hardware incompatibility issues), but they could certainly 
contain textual configuration data.  Can anyone suggest ideas for file content, 
format, naming, etc?


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