Paul Hardy <> wrote (21 Sep 2013 16:45:07):
> I re-installed
> Debian using Debian's graphical installation tool.  I indicated to the
> installer that I wanted to leave existing files in place.  Following
> this, I saw that files in /home and some other directories were left
> untouched (as desired), but the /root directory was completely wiped
> out and replaced.  The /root directory is a user directory too, albeit
> for a special (super!) user.  When someone indicates that they want to
> preserve existing files, I think the /root files should remain intact
> if the /root directory already exists on a drive, or at least move it
> to /root-old or /root-bak or something like that if the installer must
> create a brand new /root.

Installing over an existing installation is not supported by the installer
by design, so closing this report.


Holger Wansing <>
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