On 09/12/2020 02:15, Ryutaroh Matsumoto wrote:
> Hi Alper, thank you for paying attention.
>> On that specific question, you use the arrow keys to navigate between
> Neither the space bar nor arrow keys worked for me with Alpha 3...

I tried running it under different terminals (tmux, xfce4-terminal,
gnome-terminal, xterm, rxvt-unicode) in case that was the problem, but
couldn't reproduce this. Other than that I have no idea why it wouldn't

(Just in case, try running "cat -v" and pressing the arrow keys -- it
prints ^[[A upto ^[[D or ^[0A upto ^[0D for me.)

> When I tried a weekly build of d-i on November or October,
> at least "v" and "^" worked,  d-i failed on "tasksel", and
> the installation cannot be completed
> But Alpha 3 does not seem to recognize "v" or "^" as subtitutes of arrow keys,
> and the situation got worse. Ryutaroh

For me, "v" and "^" work on the GRUB menu but not on the d-i menus (both
in Alpha 3 and Alpha 2), but I didn't test that on any weekly builds.

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