Control: severity -1 important

(cc-ing Paul for information, due to interest in RC bugs)

Hello Wilco,

Wilco Baan Hofman <> (2020-09-26):
> Package: cdebconf
> Version: 0.249
> Severity: critical
> I have a problem with the debian installer, at the finish-install
> stage in the udeb clock-setup.

I can't replicate it with a current-ish installation image

> The interaction in the syslog during install (manually copied from screen):
> finish-install: info: Running /usr/lib/finish-install.d/10clock-setup
> debconf: --> FGET clock-setup/utc seen
> debconf: <-- 0 true
> debconf: --> SET clock-setup/utc true INPUT low clock-setup/utc
> debconf: <-- 0 value set
> debconf: --> GO
> debconf: <-- 0 ok
> debconf: --> GET clock/setup/utc
> debconf: <-- 0 true INPUT low clock-setup/utc
> debconf: --> GET clock-setup/system-time-changed
> debconf: <-- 0 false
> finish-install: /usr/lib/finish-install.d/10clock-setup: return: line
> 46: illegal number: INPUT
> finish-install: warning: /usr/lib/finish-install.d/10clock-setup
> returned error code 2

> For reproducing the error if that's required:
> This is a preseeded Debian Buster install on VMWare ESXi, relevant
> preseed config:

I don't have VMWare ESXi, but I couldn't replicate this on bullseye's

> ### Clock and timezone setup
> # Controls whether or not the hardware clock is set to UTC.
> d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true
> # You may set this to any valid setting for $TZ; see the contents of
> # /usr/share/zoneinfo/ for valid values.
> d-i time/zone string Europe/Amsterdam
> # Controls whether to use NTP to set the clock during the install
> d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean true
> # NTP server to use. The default is almost always fine here.
> #d-i clock-setup/ntp-server string

I've added a few variables on my own, just to make sure I wouldn't have
to answer too many questions. The full file is attached for reference.

d-i started from the “Automated Graphical Install” menu with the
following additions on the kernel command line:

    url= DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer

with a 5G qemu-img-created as hda disk, and the iso as a cdrom.

> I can't really see why this path would be hit, "db_fget
> clock-setup/utc seen" should return true and this whole thing should
> be skipped, but somehow that is not how it works out.. and the debconf
> confmodule just chains 2 commands together without any separation or
> wait time, causing an error during finish-install, effectively halting
> all installs.
> seems like either a clear separator is missing (newline?) or a buffer
> must be flushed after every SET..

That's quite surprising, given that's not exactly a new feature, or a
fast-paced changing codebase…

I'm lowering severity for the time being, I think we'd need a way to
reproduce this before proceeding any further (that wouldn't involve a
proprietary hypervisor as far as I'm concerned).

Cyril Brulebois (            <>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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