On 05/10/2021 09:32 AM, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 08:18:06AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
Debian's goal might be described as providing "the most power to a maximally
diverse audience". My underlying problem is that it does that *TOO* well.

I need two types of information that I doubt are documented anywhere except
in the source code.

I.  Text of error/cautionary messages.
     Specifically, what is the _exact_ text of the message given when the
     operator chooses to install neither Grub nor LILO.
II. Content of menus presented to the operator.
     Early in the installation a list of optional auxiliary programs is
     presented. I don't recognize any of the names, but if I looked them
     up I might find something very useful.

Which image?

Which machine architecture?

Which intended boot method - Legacy/MBR or UEFI?

The nature of the message will be "bootloader not found" but it depends
very much on WHICH boot loader you don't install.

What sort of things in terms of optional auxiliary programs at which stage?
Bearing in mind that you can take screenshots from an installer in-a VM
have you tried this?

"If you like more flexibility or just want to know what's going on ..."
      Section 4.3.3  of "Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide"


Andy C - seeking info from you, as ever :)

I've only used i386 and AMD64 installers.
I asked to be directed to *SOURCE* code.

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