On Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 02:32:13AM +0300, mh2 drake wrote:
> Hi i want to help with project

I can't do better than to copy and quote Paul Wise about how to 
contribute to Debian documentation in general and the how to help
link at the end.

The install manual will also be mainteined in a git repository on salsa
but I'm sure the folks who write and translate it can contribute more.

>From Paul:

[Y]ou can find some information about
how the Debian website works and how to contribute at this page:


In short the website is static HTML and CSS (without JavaScript) that
is currently produced using a language called WML, which is mostly
HTML but also some other tags to provide programmability and other
features. The WML files are stored in a git repository hosted on
salsa, the Debian GitLab instance, and you can contribute changes back
using GitLab merge requests or patches in Debian bug reports against
the www.debian.org pseudo-package. The WML files are translated into
many human languages, so to avoid translators having to do extra work,
when making mechanical changes that don't involve English language
(for eg updating links), a script called smart_change.pl can update
the translations at the same time.

PS: there are many different Debian web services that can use help,
and many other ways to contribute to Debian:


Hope this helps, with every good wish as ever,

Andy Cater

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