Source: win32-loader
Version: 0.10.4
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
X-Debbugs-Cc: Thomas Gaugler <>

Dear maintainers,

As part of my Release Team member checks, I have been investigating
why the RC buggy src:vkd3d is part of the key package set. It turns
out that vkd3d is part of the current key package set because it's
needed to build and run wine and wine is needed because it's a
Build-Depends of win32-loader. I checked the source code of
win32-loader and I got the impression wine is only used during testing
(on i386). After I mentioned this on IRC, kibi confirmed that the
content of the package didn't change without wine installed during the
build, confirming my idea.

If our analysis wasn't flawed, can you please annotate the wine
Build-Depends with the <!nocheck> profile to indicate it's only needed
during testing? (If there are other Build-Depends also only needed,
please mark those too.) It would make my live as a Release Team member
a tiny bit easier.


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