
For previous versions of the installer, I have always had the options
referred to here:

With Bullseye, either
https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current-live/amd64/iso-hybrid/ or
I do not.

This would not be a problem if these instructions (
https://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/amd64/ch06s01.html.en) included a
clue as to WHERE to use the expert command.

If your hardware requires you to pass options to kernel modules as they are
> installed, you will need to start the installer in “expert” mode. This
> can be done by either using the *expert* command to start the installer
> or by adding the boot argument *priority=low*. Expert mode gives you full
> control over debian-installer

#debian-install --expert did not do it...

Mailing List etiquette prevents me from adding a screenshot, but I can if
it will help explain the issue.

Any help greatly appreciated.



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