
The Discoverable Partitions Specification defines a bunch of GUIDs that
allow auto-discovering the mount point of a GPT partition on boot. This
for example can be used to boot an image using a dracut or package
based initrd without the need of manually defining and maintaining


I want to add support for this to D-I. I don't see any drawbacks as
currently the generic "Linux data partition" GUID is used on every
partition (apart from ESP and swap, which are already tagged with DPS-
compliant GUIDs), which doesn't tell you anything useful since it's the
same everywhere. Tools that can read and use partition types already
understand DPS GUIDs (fdisk, gdisk, blkid, etc).

This is simple to do with a partman commit.d script. The question is
where to ship this script from, are there any preferences?
I can add a new partman-dps package, or I can add the script to
partman-base for example. There are no questions or templates or
anything, it just runs unconditionally if the disk uses GPT and the
system is Linux.

This is the partman-base MR:


This is the standalone package:


Any preferences?

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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