[ {debian-kernel,debian-boot,debian-release}@d.o are in Bcc so they can track follow up emails at debian-arm ML if interested. ]
Dear fellow developers, Debian Installer no longer produces daily builds for this platform: - https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/armel/ Debian Linux kernel packages are only building support for Raspberry Pi Zero, Zero W and 1: - https://salsa.debian.org/kernel-team/linux/-/blob/master/debian/config/armel/defines.toml while many other platforms have been dropped. Upstream projects, ARM companies which I was able to check with, do not care that much about maintaining old code for ARMv5t chipsets, therefore supporting it is more and more costly resource wise (not only in Debian). Timely to the writing of this email, Arnd Bergmann posted the following timeline to deprecate ARM (armel) architecture, you can read at: - https://lwn.net/ml/all/2831c5a6-cfbf-4fe0-b51c-0396e5b0a...@app.fastmail.com/ Should Debian drop armel from the upcoming Debian release? Regards -- Héctor Orón -.. . -... .. .- -. -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.