On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 05:09:45PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > aj, if you're reading this, do you foresee buildd's picking up w-p-u in
> > the near future?
> Nope. The traditional pico thing of letting it wordwrap, then using
> backspace to join the two lines once you've finished still works,
> doesn't it?

It works, but it has confused many people already (three bug reports so
far). The new nano I was trying to get in testing only introduces bugfixes
and updated translations, plus the fix for this problem. If I hadn't ask
you before about this, it was because it's been a lot more difficult to
get some arches done. I'm still missing mips, mipsel and arm.
mips and mipsel I asked neuro if he could build, but he said there was
no point as "you can't install new source packages on woody now" (or
something like that). ARM, I just don't know who could build it, maybe

These packages are tested, they introduce relatively little changes.
If it's possible to get them in Woody, it'd be a lot better than the
current situation and I'll try my best to finish the builds. If it's too
late, oh well.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in    || [EMAIL PROTECTED]      || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]          || http://debian.org

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