Woody sucks because the install system don't have translated texts after
the reboot.

Please make new fixed Boot-floppies!

Eduard already send/make a fix. See mails from Sep 2001 and from the
last months  on this list. (sorry, I don't find the mail with the fix in
my mail archive. Eduard can you help?)

After the source fix we must translate some missing debconf-templates to
non-english languages. This is the second problme. the solution:
 - make the release without the missinig translated templates 
 - better translate the missing tamplates. IMHO this is not a big
   - This templates are all in base-config. This is in binary-all and
     joey hess is the maintainer. He can collect the translations and
     make a 'translation only' upload without any risk. 
   - I can ask the translators from the ddtp to translate this
     templates. IMHO we can translate this missing translations in
     base-config template.
   - Maybe we should show a info text, if someone select non english
     and put some warnings about outdated translations and untranslated

We make at the LinuxTag in Karlsruhe some install shows. The show was
ok, the german first stage very good and some german users have
problemes after the reboot. 

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
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